Indianapolis Car Accident Attorneys

Car accidents happen in just seconds, but they will change your life forever. If you or a loved one has suffered from a car accident than it has likely impacted you either physically, mentally, or financially. If you have been hospitalized or cannot work due to your accident, then you may be entitled to more compensation than you realize. With so many things on your mind as you recover, you need a knowledgeable advocate on your side. You need a great attorney who specializes in car accident claims. You need to find the best Indianapolis car accidents attorneys.

The 5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire A Car Accident Attorney At Lohmeier Law LLC

Insurance companies are not your friend after an auto accident. They’ll throw a lot at you when you’re at your most vulnerable. They want to get each accident they work with to result in as small a payout as possible, ideally (for them) paying nothing. Fighting for money that is rightfully yours is the job of a good attorney who will go to bat for you. A good Indianapolis car accident attorney will know how to combat the strategies of the insurance companies and get you the money you deserve for everything you’ve been through.

After a crash, you’ll no doubt be dazed, panicked, confused, and likely injured to some degree. Emergency personnel converge on the scene and depending on your physical state, the rest can be a blur. Police and doctors will question you about what happened to prepare their reports as you spend the following days and weeks recovering. During that time, however, insurance companies will call you for information about your injuries, your medical treatment, your version of the accident, and more. Their job largely consists of working to process your claim as quickly as possible to minimize any possible settlement.

You can count on the at-fault driver’s insurance company consulting their team of lawyers when you file a claim. Make sure you get help from a motivated accident attorney specializing in this field. 

Insurance companies will hurry to get in touch with victims of car crashes. Their immediate goal is to try to get those victims to settle, quickly and cheaply. They may also file away anything you say to them to use against you in case you decide not to settle. The insurance company will get to work right away. You may be visited in the hospital by a claim adjuster. They may take statements from you while you’re medicated and even have you sign forms. All the more reason for you to ‘lawyer up’ and get a skilled car accident attorney on your side.

Your life apart from the accident might be brought into question. If the insurance company will do anything to try and undermine your credibility, including examining your social media to prove there is a precedent for recklessness, intoxication, etc. All of these ploys would be anticipated by your attorney who is in a good position to offer counter-defenses and evasions. If you’ve been in a car accident of any scale, you’ve been through a traumatic experience. Why make your experience after that any harder than it has to be? You don’t need to manage it alone. Get the help you deserve, and contact one of our expert attorneys.

Indianapolis Car Accident Statistics

The numbers don’t lie. Car collisions have increased steadily in Indiana over the past few years. Marion county is recorded for the highest number of collisions in 2017. The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute has yet to publish information for 2018 (as of October 2019). According to Indiana University, in 2016 there were 37,447 collisions in the county, making Marion the highest number for the past four years. These resulted in one hundred fatalities and 1.245 incapacitating injuries in that year and county alone. While the largest number of injured parties were the drivers, also injured were passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Marion County had the most fatalities in Indiana each year between 2009 and 2013. Although those numbers have lessened some, they’re still high enough to warrant concern. Marion also had the largest number of individuals involved at 65,317 in 2017. When you consider that each person involved in a crash can be a potential litigious party, you can see the importance of an attorney knowledgeable about car accident litigation. Also of note is that Marion had 30,558 instances of collisions that caused substantial property damage, showing that potential litigation can occur even when no one is injured.

Statistics on car accidents are plentiful. Were you curious, the top five Indiana counties for auto collisions are (in order from first to fifth): Marion, Lake, Allen, St Joseph, and Hamilton. But what can you do with that information?  Is there anywhere in Indiana where one is safe from car crashes? As you can imagine, most auto accidents occur in urban areas due to their population density. Note that rural areas of Indiana are more likely to have crashes with fatalities. This is most likely because cars are apt to be traveling faster in rural than urban areas and because a more remote accident area would have a longer response time for emergency care. But statistics will only tell you so much. After all, if everyone moved to the safest counties with the lowest number of car accidents, the populations of those counties would go up, thus causing more accidents, etc.

So where can you drive in Indiana and be absolutely safe? Well, unfortunately, there’s no one clear answer for that. As always when driving, you should be alert and aware, not speed, be careful around trucks and in inclement weather, and never, ever drink and drive. And if the statistics do, unfortunately, catch up to you, know that a good Indianapolis car accident lawyer can help you out.

Let Lohmeier Law take on the insurance company for you!

We work solely on a contingency fee, which means we do not take a fee unless we settle your accident claim.

Don’t Settle Until You’ve Consulted with An Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyer

Insurance companies would love for you to settle. They’re in the business of avoiding legal escalations and giving you the smallest amount of money they can, sometimes none at all. And when you’re at your most vulnerable, settling and avoiding further conflict might sound like the perfect thing. It’s easy to not think ahead at those moments. You’re not considering the time you may lose at work, unexpected medical expenses due to your accident, or the toll on your mental well-being. It’s easy and understandable to want to settle, but in doing so, you sell yourself short. Get yourself an excellent Indianapolis-based car accident lawyer who will do the heavy lifting involved with not settling.